![]() As we embrace a path of evolution, it is important to understand that the relationships in our life are a mirror for our transformation. Our reality is a platform for our soul to learn and grow. Every person and relationship in our life is a representation of an aspect of our soul and Christ Light. They are here to show us something that we need to acknowledge within ourselves and either forgive or love. The recognition of this aspect that is being mirrored to us is key because if we aren’t able to see it, we cannot transmute it. And this aspect (or energetic pattern) will continue to show up in different forms until we are ready to transcend it. Have you ever noticed how someone leaves one relationship because their partner is “not” something they think they need, and then enter into another relationship that creates the exact same dynamic? Or have you or someone you know left a job because they can’t stand their boss, and after a year of so at the next company, they find themselves experiencing the exact same situation – just with different people? Creation allows us the opportunity to learn and grow through our relationships OR the opportunity to keep recreating the same patterns over and over again until we are ready to evolve. Sometimes we need pain and suffering to motivate us to change. However, it’s not necessary. If we are willing to go within and remove the veils and masks of our conditioning, we have the opportunity to see the truth of who we really are. And the relationships in our life can be looked at as blessings that can reveal the Truth to us and help lead us to liberation. They are gifts that encourage us to move forward on the path. 5D or divine relationships are based on three pillars - the 3 R's. Respect, Recognition, and Reciprocity When you take inventory of your current relationships, are these 3 pillars balanced? Does one need more attention that the others? Do you have relationships that are deficient in all 3 pillars? Love provides us with the ability to hold these pillars so that we can respect ourselves, recognize when something or someone is beneficial or not, and provide reciprocity or an exchange of energy for the relationship. These 3 R’s are key to healthy, honest forms of exchange where mutual love, respect, recognition and reciprocity are the underlying principles. Exterior relationships are mirrors. They bring to our attention facets of us that we have either ignored or have unconscious blocks about which are being hidden. When we apply these 3 R’s to the relationship that we hold with our Self, this is when our evolution accelerates. Because we are prioritizing our purpose of activating our Christ Consciousness and following the path of Ascension, our life flows in such a way that opportunities arise for us to examine aspects of our Self that are not in alignment with the pureness of our essence. When you activate enough love within your Sacred Temple of the Heart, you will begin magnetizing relationships that match your frequency. Your Authentic Self will no longer feel the need to compromise in order to be loved. You can release the need to change others to fit into your reality and your expectations of how they should be. You acknowledge that your I AM is the one and only Source and provides everything. Letting go of the attachments to relationships provides the space for them to either evolve with you or to clear from your reality. If they no longer resonate with the upgraded frequency you are cultivating, they will naturally be removed from your sphere of consciousness. The “ancestral tribe” has the most challenging relationships to heal from. They aren’t always ready or willing to acknowledge your transformation. If you are truly committed to a path of enlightenment, a new tribe will manifest in your reality. A Light community that is based on the 3 R’s of divine relationships and is here for you to join with to co-create the New Earth. These souls are part of your ascension vortex and will provide encouragement and support for you on your journey back to the Light. Cymbele’s Circles offers a container for you to explore this path. If you resonate with these teachings, I invite you to join my Sacred Temple of the Heart circles or to connect with me for private sessions. Your heart is the portal to the Divine. Unlock the frequencies to help guide your ascension in the Sacred Temple of the Heart.
CymbeleNotes from Archives
September 2024
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